I must comment that during sacrament meeting both this week and last week, there have been two organists - a younger girl and an older lady. I’m guessing they are trying to ‘grow’ the older lady into her calling by having her accompany one-two songs each sacrament meeting. I can say that I have never been happier to end a closing hymn than I was today. It was a painful experience as we limped through four versus of Truth Reflects upon Our Senses.
Calvin After the Closing Hymn :)
At home, we prepared a pan full of chicken drumsticks complete with potatoes and a yummy salad made by Nadia. We gulped down our dinner and rushed out the door to go visit Edward – the fellow who drove Calvin to the hospital on Saturday. He had invited us over for ‘tea’ on Sunday. When we walked in, we were met with the most beautiful table spread I’ve yet seen over here in Ukraine. He had prepared us a traditional Ukraine dinner, complete with crepes filled with meat and/or cabbage, and a cabbage salad. For dessert we had fruit, two kinds of sumptuous cake and some raspberry tea. Upon arrival, Nadia let the cat out of the bag that we had just eaten. We still ‘forced’ ourselves to eat this delicious dinner. Maria, Roman’s ‘mother teacher’ was also there and helped prepare the meal. During dinner we saw video/DVDs of summer scout camp. Roman was in many of these. We also saw the pictures and movies taken by Serge Mehilovich, Roman’s music, teacher who went to the US with the last group of 45 children. He has just been back in Sumy from the U.S. for about 10 days now. Edward told me he would burn these movies to a CD for me, along with some Ukranian pop music I quite liked (a group called Maxim).
Dinner at Edward's Apartment
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